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Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Mood Board - First School Day/ Понеделнишко настроение Първи учебен ден

1. Hair Clips and Dress in Navy - KatesClothing 
2. Print - LouisestArt 
3. Pencil Drawing Print Illustration- BarbaraSzepesiSzucs 
4. Headband - ylleannaKids 

And don't forget "Don't beieve in everything they say":) This is so important in science, in school, and in life if you are looking for the truth!
И не забравяйте "Не вярай на всичко, което казват". Това е толкова важно в науката,  училище и  живота изобщо, ако търсиш истината!

More nice finds from etsy, arranged like mood boards, could be found on star-of-the-east blog.
Повече хубави подаръци от etsy, аранжирани в настроения, можете да намеритe на блога  star-of-the-east.



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